Angular 6/7 Datatable With Search Bar And Pagination

This post is basically to learn about angular 6/7 Datatable with search bar and pagination.
Most of the website/blog providing data table by using angular 6 packages but filter and pagination are missing. Here we very much care about those features which are most common important in all type of angular 4, 6 and 7 also.

Before starting this you should make sure you have to install angular 6 or 7 CLI in your system. and bootstrap CSS and bootstrap JS in your index.html in the root folder. If not you can learn how to implement bootstrap in your CLI project then click here.

Here most important part is filter or search data in grid. For this we have to implement an extra code for this functionality, that is search.pipe.ts. which is a custom typescript code?

Here you will get all code and implementation step by step.

Step-1. Open your CLI folder in command prompt

Install the data table package provides by angular CLI default,  by typing below code in your Terminal or Command Prompt.

More on this document for package installation click here.

Step-2. Open AppModule.ts


Step-3. Open you any component.html file.

where you want to add this functionality and paste below code.


Step-4. Open your corresponding component.ts file and paste it inside main class.


Step-5. Create a search.pipe.ts  in the root folder
Paste the below code in this

Step-6. Open AppModule.ts

Step-7. How to implement Bootstrap in Angular 6 or 7

You can simply add these CDN files in your index.html in the root folder.

Now you are done. You can get a grid with pagination and filter.

Thanks for reading angular 6/7 Datatable with search bar and pagination.

Hope this blog is helpfull to you.

