Welcome to free online projects. Here we are providing you free project on School Fees Management System in Codeigniter. Free Source code download School Fees management system in Codeigniter Framework With PHP. This project basically built using PHP + Codeigniter Framework and Mysql Database. Now All the IT companies are looking for candidates who having […]
This page all about how to get/fetch current year data from the database in Codeigniter. We have seen many developers get confused to get records from MySQL table for the current year in PHP. Here You will get a very simple way to find the solution. Have a look below example. Let the table name […]
Many times I have faced the issues when fetching records from databases in Codeigniter. The issue is how to fetch data/records for last month or the current month in Codeigniter. But here we have a very simple PHP MySQL code so that you can easily solve it. I also did same way, it works fine […]
Welcome to free online projects. Here we are providing you free project on Cyber Cafe Management System in Codeigniter. Free Source code download cyber cafe management system in Codeigniter. This project basically built using PHP + Codeigniter Framework and Mysql Database. Now All the IT companies are looking for candidates who having knowledge or experience […]
I am wondering how how to display / echo Flashdatain view Page in codeigniter. Here Some point we have to aware before setting flashdata in codeigniter.
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// Set flash data in our controller file $this->session->set_flashdata('your_key', 'Value'); // After that we need to used redirect function redirect("/signup"); // Get Flash data on view page $this->session->flashdata('your_key'); |
Name of message should exactly match with setting in controller and populate in view page.
I am wondering why not able to get flashdata in codeigniter. Here Some point we have to aware before setting flashdata in codeigniter. As of you know session in codeingiter handled by two way, one is file and other one is database. So some times database session causes problems. SO we need to set.
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1 . $config[‘sess_use_database’] = FALSE |
This page all about how to set flashdata in Codeigniter. Codeigniter has a very good feature like one time show message in view page. One time means very next server request is carry the message, then automatically it unset after one time page refresh. This is feature is called as flashdata. Before redirect page from […]
Database setting in codeigniter is the basic configuration after install the codeingiter in your server or localhost. Its very simple to setting database. This blog we will show you how to configure the data base in step by step. 1) Creat Database in your phpmyadmin 2) Open your projects folder -> application->config->database.php 3) Change you […]
Hello Developer welcome to free online projects. Here this blog is all about how to login using google account with codeigniter and get sample code. In other way we can say OAuth google using codeigniter framework. Its very simple and easy to implement. I found many of people are searching the best method to get […]