This post is basically to learn about angular 6/7 Datatable with search bar and pagination. Most of the website/blog providing data table by using angular 6 packages but filter and pagination are missing. Here we very much care about those features which are most common important in all type of angular 4, 6 and 7 […]
This post is all about How to Convert String to Sentence Case in PHP. Why Sentence case is required? Whenever you want to know your text content case is properly formatted or not, it either lower case, upper case or, camelcase. Same like sentence case is a custom function. Some cases in website whenever you […]
This post all about hide show password input field in jquery. A password is a very sensitive input field as we know because this data generally use for log in an app or website for any secure application. Most of the website are nowadays having registration and login functionality, So why we type password field […]
Tag input is a very good feature for a web development work, It helps to tag multiple categories or set by entering key. In case of enrolling your application form or resume you need to put your skills, so in this case, also you need this functionality. WordPress also having some default tag functionality to […]
Login and Registration is the most important feature on the web site or web apps. Nowadays developers are using UI as angular. Angular is very robust and javascript based open source framework, which helps to develop a high volume apps and website. It can be implemented with all another angular like PHP, .Net Java. Here […]
Hi Developers, Thanks for reading send an email with file attachment In PHP. Email is a method of exchanging message between people by electronic devices. We can say It’s a very Common and Important functionality for Web and mobile application. Nowadays Most of the E-commerce website having functionality like Contact us, Feedback, Various Notification like […]
Hello Developer welcome to free online projects. Here this blog is all about how to login using google account with codeigniter and get sample code. In other way we can say OAuth google using codeigniter framework. Its very simple and easy to implement. I found many of people are searching the best method to get […]
Hello developers, Welcome to free online projects. Here you will get all sample code of login using Google API with PHP technology. You can get all the data from your social login details and you can use your login functionality. Nowadays most of the website are using login and registration functionality to secure their website […]
Why popup login modal box session timeout in PHP using Ajax. Sometime when we are browsing some sensitive or private website we must have to face login and registration. So when we are using this website and we open multiple pages, the browser will allow us. But when we log out and forgot to close […]
This project all about the student information system built by Python Django with Mysql. User can store student information, Manage students using this application. It’s a mini-project for a student who is single Handley wants to submit the project in his/ her college for a semester. Or those want practice python from the beginning. If […]